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Study in Buenos Aires

The best city for students and the best city to live in Latin America.

Lived where culture is alive

In every corner of the city you can find masterpieces of architecture and art.

Buenos Aires is good for business

Study in one of the most vibrant cities in Latin America, an economic and financial center, where new trends and entrepreneurs coexist.

Buenos Aires

The City of Buenos Aires was once again recognized as the best city for students in Latin America, according to the QS Best Student Cities 2025 ranking.

To reach this result, QS analyzes and compares cities around the world based on a diverse range of indicators grouped into five categories: ranking in international rankings of local universities, accessibility, student diversity, attractiveness, and work exit. Worldwide the city ranked # 1 was Montreal, followed by Paris and London.

Recently, Buenos Aires had also been positively evaluated in the region by being ranked fourth in the Youthful Cities index, developed by Toronto-based consultancy Decode. The educational offer, its cultural life and its network of cycle paths were the positive attributes.

On the other hand, a study of the prestigious British magazine The Economist published in 2017 that examined the quality of life of 140 cities in the world placed Buenos Aires as the best city in Latin America to live.

The analysis judged the quality of life based on five variables - health conditions, culture, environment, education and infrastructure - and assigned a relative score based on 30 other qualitative and quantitative factors. Thus, Buenos Aires was favored among the Latin American cities. Behind left were Santiago de Chile and Montevideo. First place went to Melbourne. The Australian city was at the top, ahead of other cities such as Vienna, Vancouver and Toronto, both Adelaide and Australia.

As with other measurements, the wide and varied cultural offer of Buenos Aires has a positive impact on this type of evaluation. It is that the billboard of cinemas and theaters porteña is related with those of the metropolis New York and London. And in relation to the theater off, the atmosphere of businessmen and critics agrees that the Argentine Capital is unique.

The City of Buenos Aires will host the 2018 Youth Olympic Games.

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