Publicaciones del SELA
Yale Law School, la Universidad de Palermo y otras universidades de Latinoamérica y España organizan anualmente el SELA, en el cual se reúnen prestigiosos académicos de diversos países a discutir temas de interés para la región. Desde 1998, como consecuencia de estos trabajos el Comité Organizador del SELA y la Universidad de Palermo decidieron publicarlos en volúmenes anuales dentro de la Revista Jurídica de nuestra Universidad, a partir del año 2000 el SELA con el apoyo de la Fundación Ford los publica con formato de libro y como un emprendimiento conjunto de todas las universidades involucradas en el proyecto.
Florencia Saulino: "Environmental Rights, Collective or Individual?"
Salvador Millaleo: "Fair Energy Transition and Indigenous Peoples in Latin America"
Pablo Rueda-Saiz & Alexandra Huneeus: "Territory-as-Victim in Post-Conflict Colombia"
Commentator: Carol Rose
Today's Threats to Political Freedom
Sebastián Guidi & Gilad Abiri: "The Platform Federation"
Catalina Pérez Correa: "Is Democracy Possible in a Militarized State?"
Leonardo Filippini: "University Autonomy, the Constitution, and Democracy"
Adriana Cruz and Tiago Santos: "Racial Citizenship in Brazil and the US"
Commentator: George Priest
Strategies for Representing the Most Vulnerable
Mauricio del Toro: "Vulnerability and Political Representation in Mexico"
Adilson Moreira: "Thinking as a Black Jurist"
Ana Micaela Alterio: "Translating Political Subjects into Legal Categories"
Madeleine Plasencia: "'Color-Blind' Constitutional Interpretation"
Commentator: Roberto Saba
The Saga of Constitution Making in Chile
Rodrigo Correa: "The Paradoxical Chilean Constitutional Moment"
Javier Couso: "How Neutral Should a Constitution Be? An Approach from Chile's Experience"
Veronica Undurraga: "The Role of Expertise: Reflections on the Second Round"
Roberto Gargarella: "The Theory of Constitutional Assemblies: Some Lessons from Latin America"
Commentator: Paula Ahumada
Paths to Transition in the Caribbean
Michel Fernandez and Julio Antonio Fernandez: "Cuba"
Irwin Stotzky: "Haiti"
Efrén Rivera: "Puerto Rico"
Commentator: Tracy Robinson
The Authority of the Inter-American Human Rights Convention
Daniela Urosa: "Time to Revisit the Status of the United States in the Inter-American System"
Nahuel Maisley: "Two Axes for Conceptualizing the Tension between the Inter-American System and Constitutional Democracies"
Elvira Mendez Chang: "International Obligations v. Constitutional Norms"
Commentator: Renata Bregaglio
Salvador Millaleo: “The identity politics of indigenous peoples in the Chilean constituent process: before, during, and after”
Lucas Sierra: “The Chilean Constitutional Convention on Balance: From Excessive to Defective?”
Commentator: Micaela Alterio
Property, Society, and Politics
Xiaoqian Hu: “Social Property”
Esteban Restrepo: “Beyond Trauma: Property’s Wars”
Maria Agnes Salah: “Real Right of Environmental Conservation: Private Law, Property, and Protecting the environment”
Michelle Sanchez: “Adapting Property Rights Along the Road: The Case of Chinese Investments in Brazil's Agribusiness Industry”
Commentator: Carol Rose
Access to Justice
Karina Ansolabehere: “Disappearances in Mexico: New Institutions in Old Structures”
Mariana Prado: “Trickle Down Litigation (or Are the Haves Still Coming Out Ahead?): The Case of Adriana Ancelmo”
Commentator: Efrén Rivera
Bo Burt Keynote
Jesús Abad Colorado, Photojournalist.
Transitional Justice Part 1
María Paula Saffon & Juan González Bertomeu: “Perceptions that affect normative options in transitional justice"
Leticia Vita: “The Mandates of Memory, Truth, and Justice in the Argentine Constituent Assembly of 1994: Lessons for Constitutional History and Latin American Constitutional Law”
Commentator: Pablo Rueda Saiz
Transitional Justice Part 2
Antonio Barreto: “Exceptionality, Public Order, and Transitionality: Untangling the Web of War and Peace in Colombia”
Eduardo Bertoni: “The Stability and Efficacy of Judgments? The Limits of a Peace Agreement”
Alejandro Chehtman: “Latin America as Laboratory for Transitional Justice”
Commentator: Renata Bregaglio
Democracy Roundtable
Prof. Sandra Borda Guzmán, Political Science Department, Universidad de los Andes
Dr. Gloria Isabel Cuartas Montoya, Director of the Unit for the Implementation of the Final Peace Agreement, Office of the President of the Republic
Juanita Goebertus Estrada, Director of Americas Division at Human Rights Watch
Carlos Rosero, Proceso de Comunidades Negras, Valle del Cauca
Moderator: Marcelo Ferrante
Moral Perspectives on Ordinary People
Marcelo Alegre: “Micro-heroic Actions”
Noah Novogrodsky: “Farcical Fascism”
Commentator: Laura Clérico
Leonardo Filippini: “Constitutional Interpretation: Rupture and Continuity in the Face of Authoritarian Legacy”
Diego Arguelhes: “Judicial Populism in Brazil”
Elizabeth Iglesias: “Militant Democracy for the Multitude: Universal Jurisdiction, International Criminal Law and the Conditions of Possibility for the Defense of Human Rights”
Commentator: Eleonora Lozano
Strategies for Creating and Maintaining Authoritarianism
Conrado Hubner Mendes: “Bolsonaro’s Strategy for Undermining the Constitution without Passing Legislation"
Daniela Urosa: “The Role of Constitutional Courts in Illiberal Latin American Democracies”
José Ignacio Hernández: “Constitutional Authoritarian-Populism and Presidential Reelection in El Salvador”
Commentator: Javier Couso
Property, Democracy, and Inequality
Guillermo Arribas: “How Has State Action and Land Titling Policy Affected Customary Propoerty in Peruvian Housing”
Nahuel Maisley: “Law and Democracy in the Globalization of Infrastructure as an Asset Class”
Commentator: Claire Priest
International Courts, Transitional Justice, and Democracy (part 1)
José Luis Sardon: “The Flawed Structure of the IACtHR”
Jorge Contesse: “Judicial Interactions and Human Rights Contestations in Latin America”
Commentator: Rodrigo Correa
International Courts, Transitional Justice, and Democracy (part 2)
Tracy Robinson: “The Fledgling Caribbean Court and a Divided Guyana”
Alberto Puppo: “Transitional Justice, Redemption, and Humanity”
Commentator: Leticia Vita
Inventing the “Other” and its Consequences for Democracy
Thiago Amparo: “Police Necropolitics as Crisis of Democracy in Brazil”
Carlos Portugal Gouvêa: “Patriarchy and Racism in Brazilian Corporate Governance: Implications for Equality and Democracy”
Madeleine Plasencia: “Actor Networks in the Borderlands – The Apposition of Reproductive Rights along the Mexican-American Border”
Commentator: Eleanor Brown
The Legitimacy of Populism (part 1)
Fernando Atria: “The Form of Law and the Concept of the Political”
Roberto Gargarella: “‘Conversation Among Equals’ as a Model to Address the Crisis of Constitutional Democracy”
Commentator: Gabriel Bouzat
The Legitimacy of Populism (part 2)
Myrta Morales Cruz: “The 2019 Puerto Rican Protests: Mobilization in the ‘Age of Neoliberalism’”
Julio César Guanche: “Cuba: Political Conflict, Social Change, Rights, and Citizenship” and Carlos Alzugaray
Commentator: Renata Bregaglio
Jamal Greene: "Rights Absolutism"
Daniela Salazar & Shelley Cavalieri: "Advocating for Women's Rights in the Era of the Rule of Rights"
Verónica Undurraga: "Translating empirical evidence into constitutional language"
Commentator: Fernando Atria
Court-centered Strategies of Advocacy
Lidia Casas: "Chile's 'win-win' abortion law (for its opponents)"
Isabel Jaramillo: "Aggressive certiorari grants for structural interventions in Colombian abortion cases"
Rocío Villanueva: "Violence against women, legal reasoning, and corruption"
Commentator: Tracy Robinson
Politically-centered Strategies of Advocacy
Paola Bergallo: "'Shifting legal visions' in the context of abortion law reform"
Emiliano Buis: "Reproducing discourse: emotional language in the debates over abortion in Argentina"
Commentator: Francisca Pou Giménez
The Impact of Competing Ideals: Conscience, the Sanctity of Life, and the Intimacy of Family
Rodolfo Figueroa: "Term-based abortion in Chile's constitutional jurisprudence"
Eliezer Gomes da Silva: "Femicide as an enduring global issue"
Doug NeJaime & Reva Siegel: "Conscience Wars"
Commentator: Noah Novogrodsky
Sexual Harassment in the University
Jaime Couso: "Sexual assault and harassment on campuses: fairness for victims and defendants?"
Mónica González Contró: "Using university policy to combat sexual harassment"
Pedro Salazar Ugarte: "Affirmative consent in university policies"
Commentator: Pablo Ruiz-Tagle
Autonomy as a Constitutional Value
Mylai Burgos: "Autonomy in the new Cuban constitution"
Laura Saldivia: "The paradigm of autonomy: analyzing the depathologization of body practices"
Commentator: Martín Farrell
The Construction of Difference
Chloé Georas: "From Sexual Explicitness to Invisibility in Resistance Art: Coloniality, Rape Culture and Technology"
Alejandro Madrazo: "La Patria: Rape, Territory and National Identity"
Thula Pires: "The Limits of Democracy in Ladin Amefrica"
Commentator: Carol Rose
Mariana Mota Prado and Marta Machado - The Promises and Perils of Using Criminal Law to Fight Corruption: The Lava Jato Case.
Francisco Saffie - Illicit Transnational Money Flows as a Problem for Democracy.
Commentator - José Roldán Xopa.
Session 2 - Proportionality
Natalia Angel-Cabo - The Constitution and the City: Reflections on judicial experimentalism in urban code.
Francisca Pou Giménez - Proportionality without a Culture of Justification.
Commentator - Victor Ferreres.
Session 3 - Lawmaking Across Borders
Laura Clérico - Lack of European and Inter-American Consensus and the Argument from Comparative Law.
Conrado Hübner Mendes - Cosmopolitan Sovereigns: Accounting for Domestic Climate Policy
Noah Novogrodsky - Winning Transnationalism.
Commentator - Rocío Villanueva.
Session 4 - Freedom of Speech
Paula Ahumada - Democracy and the Problem of Money.
Ronaldo Porto Macedo Junior - Fake News and its Menace to Free Speech.
Roberto Saba - The Metaphors of Freedom of Speech.
Esther Vicente - Criminalizing Protest in Puerto Rico.
Commentator - Owen Fiss.
Session 5 - Robert A. Burt Keynote
“Perdonen mi tristeza”.
Luce López-Baralt, Professor of Spanish and Comparative Literature at the University of Puerto Rico.
Session 6 - Constitutional Failures; Constitutional Revivals
Roberto Gargarella - Reconstructing Constitutionalism in the Americas. The Problem of “Democratic Dissonance”.
Samuel Tschorne - The “legitimacy crisis” and the “constitutional problem” in Chile: what is left?
Commentator - Julio César Guanche.
Session 7 - Austerity
Ximena Benavides - The Painful Rationing: Austerity, Inequality, and Health in Puerto Rico.
Camila V. Duran and Michelle Ratton - Testing the Limits of Democracy: Taking Fiscal Austerity from Institutions to the Constitution in Brazil.
Myrta Morales - Advancing Rights and Social Justice in Puerto Rico.
Constanza Salgado - Social Rights, Austerity, and Neoliberalism.
Commentator - George Priest.
Robert Post: Freedom of Expression as Foundation of Democracy (tent.)
Legitimacy and Social Control
Eliezer Gomes da Silva: Quality of Democracy, Crime, and Criminal Justice in Latin America -- An Exploration (Portuguese) (English) (Spanish)
Commentator: Marcelo Ferrante
Indigenous Peoples and Liberal Values
Salvador Millaleo: State Law and Indigenous Law: Coordination or Subordination (English) (Spanish)
Daniela Salazar: When Justice does not Allow Peace: The Need to Apply Transitional Justice Measures to Protect the Isolated Indigenous Peoples of Ecuador (English) (Spanish)
Mauricio del Toro: The Intercultural Key in the Recognition of Electoral Pluralism in Mexico (English) (Spanish)
Commentator: ángel Oquendo
Discrimination and Difference
Lucas Grosman and Florencia Saulino: Discrimination in Labor Law and the Private Sphere (Spanish) (English)
Tracey Robinson: Legalising Norms Related to Sexual, Gender and Bodily Diversity in the Inter-American Human Rights System (Spanish) (English)
Commentator: Julieta Lemaitre
Democracy Roundtable
International Human Rights Tribunals
Marisa Iglesias: The Future of International Human Rights Tribunals: Deference to states or cooperative division of labor? (English) (Spanish)
Eduardo Bertoni: Non-compliance wiht Decisions of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: An Empirical Analysis (Spanish) (English)
Jorge Contesse: Inter-American Human Rights Law and Judicial Backlash (Spanish) (English)
Commentator: Carlos Rosenkrantz
Judicial Authority within the Judiciary
Juan Gonzalez Bertomeu: Colombia's Constitutional Court Doctrine on 'the Substitution of the Constitution' (Spanish) (English)
Diego Arguelhes: “The Court, it is I”: individual judicial review in Brazil and its implications for constitutional theory (English) (Spanish)
Karina Ansolabehere: Concentrated Fidelity: The Willingness of Lower Courts to Follow the Mexican Supreme Court's Edicts (Spanish) (English)
Commentator: Jamal Greene
Investment, Self-government, and Rights
Rodrigo Polanco: Investment Arbitration and Human Rights: Cases in Ecuador and Peru from a Comparative Approach (Spanish) (English)
Michel Fernández: The Extractive Industry in Cuba: A legal perspective and proposals for the future (Spanish) (English)
Efrén Rivera: Economic Crisis, Democracy, and Rights: the Case of Puerto Rico (English) (Spanish)
Commentator: Sebastian Elias
Political Solidarity and the Ties that Bind
Rodrigo Correa: Democratic Representation: Against Direct Democracy (Spanish) (English)
Amalia Amaya: The Relevance of Fraternity (Spanish) (English)
Commentator: Leticia Vita
Panel 1: Slavery Past and Present
Claire Priest - Cuba's Transformation through the Lens of the Sugar Industry (English) (Spanish)
Rebecca Scott - How does the law put an analogy to work? Discerning 'a condition analogous to that of a slave' in contemporary Brazil (English) (Spanish)
Commentator: Efrén Rivera Ramos
Panel 2: Constitutional Revolutionism
Julio Antonio Fernández - Why does Cuba need a new Constitution? (Spanish) (English)
Julio César Guanche - Cuba's 1940 Constitution: A Reinterpretation (Spanish) (English)
Alejandro Madrazo - The Right to Revolution: Popular Sovereignty, Revolution, and the Fragility of the Rule of Law in Mexico (English) (Spanish)
Commentator: Mylai Burgos
Panel 3: Cuba Roundtable
Rafael Hernández, Editor-in-Chief of Temas
Armando Fernández Soriano, Antonio Nuñez Jiménez Foundation
Ricardo Torres Pérez, University of Havana, Center for the Study of the Cuban Economy
Moderator: Carlos Alzugaray
Robert A. Burt Keynote Address: Daniel Markovits - Meritocracy and Its Discontents
Panel 4: Egalitarianism
Antonio Barreto - Resolving Deep Fractures - Cuba, the United States and Robert Burt's Institutional Egalitarianism (Spanish) (English)
Esteban Pereira - Private Law and Poverty (Spanish) (English)
Commentator: Pablo Ruiz-Tagle
Panel 5: The Environment and Vulnerable Populations
Thula Pires - Environmental Injustice, Environmental Racism, and the Framework for Socio-racial Stratification in Sacrificial Zones: the Case of the Santa Cruz Neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro (Portugues) (English) (Spanish)
Nancy Yañez - The Social and Environmental Equity Problems of the Chilean Water System from the Perspective of Fundamental Rights (Spanish) (English)
Commentator: Elvira Méndez Chang
Panel 6: Strategies for Protecting the Environment
Pablo Larrañaga - Troubled Waters: Towards a New Regulatory Regime for Water in Mexico (Spanish) (English)
Ana Maria Nusdeo - Sustainability and Law. Possible Institutional Answers (English) (Spanish)
Orlando Rey - Environmental Law as Guarantor of Social Justice (Spanish) (English)
Patrick Wieland - Free Market Environmentalism in Peru: The Ups and Downs of a New Wave of Environmental Regulation (English) (Spanish)
Commentator: Carol Rose
Panel 7: Liberal, Neoliberal, and Illiberal Rights
Paula Ahumada - Constitutional Neoliberalism. The case of freedom of expression in Chile (Spanish) (English)
Marcelo Alegre - Populism and human rights. Oil and Water? (Spanish) (English)
Ronaldo Macedo - Freedom of Expression: What Lessons Should We Learn from U.S. Experience? (English) (Spanish)
Commentator: Caio Pereira
Amy Kapczynski - Intellectual Property and Inequality (English) (Spanish)
Iñigo de la Maza - In What Respect? Inequality in Contracts of Adhesion (Spanish) (English)
Vivian Neptune - Digital Divide and Access to Justice (Spanish) (English)
Commentator: Constanza Salgado
Session 2: Democracy Roundtable
Luís Roberto Barroso - The History of the Concept of Equality in Brazil
Commentators: Calixto Salomão Filho and Oscar Vilhena Vieira
Session 3: Inequality across Nations
Alberto do Amaral Jr. - International Distributive Justice (English)
Jorge Contesse - Subsidiarity and Inequality (English)
Paulina Ochoa - Borders Matter Morally: Territory, Citizenship and Legal Equality (English) (Spanish)
Commentator: Jaime Couso
Session 4: Inequality and Criminal Sanctions
Fiona Doherty - The Role, Use, and Effect of Probation in the US Criminal System (English) (Spanish)
Chloé Georas - Automated Profiling: Preemptive Racism in the Development of Predictive Technologies Against "Bad Communities" (English) (Spanish)
Catalina Pérez Correa - Prisons from a Gender Perspective (Spanish) (English)
Commentator: Leonardo Filippini
Session 5: The Failures of Latin American Neoconstitutionalism?
Javier Couso - Back to the Future? The Return of Sovereignty and the "Principle of Non-intervention in the Internal Affairs of the States" in Latin America's 'Radical Constitutionalism' (Spanish) (English)
Roberto Gargarella - Too Much "Old" in the "New" Latin American Constitutionalism (Spanish) (English)
Daniela Salazar - "Mi Poder en la Constitución": Perverting the Rule of Law in Ecuador (Spanish) (English)
Commentator: Carlos Portugal Gouvêa
Keynote Address
Jedediah Purdy - Why Does Inequality Matter for Democracy?
Duke University School of Law
Session 6: Inequality and Positive Rights
Diego Gil McCawley: Right to Housing and Regulatory Minimalism in Chile (Spanish) (English)
Ezequiel Nino: Reflections on the Political Representation of the "Villas de Emergencia" of Buenos Aires (Spanish) (English)
Commentator: Ana Paula de Barcellos
Session 7: Unequal Consequences of Violent Conflict
Renata Bregaglio: When the Court Isn't Watching: Reparations as Differentiating Factor in Peruvian Post-Conflict Society (Spanish) (English)
Eleonora Lozano: Legal Perspectives for Peace in Colombia: Some Pro-Equality Economic Considerations (Spanish) (English)
Commentator: Sebastián Elias
Mariana Pargendler: Law and Economics in the South: the Role of Brazilian Courts (English) (Spanish)
Claire Priest: The Stamp Act and American Institutional and Economic History (English)
Comentario: Francisco Saffie
Panel 2: Economic and Social Rights
Carlos Alzugaray: The Political Logic Behind the Process of "Updating the Economic Model in Cuba" (Spanish) (English)
Fernando Atria: Social Contract, Social Rights, Socialism
Comentario: Rodolfo Figueroa
Panel 3: Strategies for Development
Ximena Benavides: Economic Development and State Owned Enterprises (English)
Rodrigo Polanco: Lessons Learned and Lessons to Be Learned: Investment Law and Development for Developed Countries (Spanish) (English)
Mariana Mota Prado: Institutional Bypasses in Brazil: Overcoming Ex-Ante Resistance to Institutional Reforms (English) (Spanish)
Comentario: Eleonora Lozano
Panel 4: Owen Fiss on the Modern Democratic State: Free Speech and Adjudication
Victor Ferreres: Arbitration, Democracy and the Rule of Law: Some Reflections on Owen Fiss's Theory (Spanish) (English)
Carol Rose: Owen, Me, and the Siege of Chicago (English)
Comentario: George Priest
Panel 5: Owen Fiss on Equality and Community
Lucas Grosman: Antisubordination and Beyond (English)
Roberto Saba: The Legal Academy According to Owen Fiss (Spanish) (English)
Comentario: Carlos Rosenkrantz
Panel 6: Robert Burt and the Dignity of the Individual Spirit
Mary Beloff & Laura Clerico: The Right to Dignity and Vulnerable Groups (Spanish) (English)
Laura Saldivia: The Right to Gender Identity in Argentina: Context, Originality, and the Need for World-Wide Promotion
Comentario: Martin Böhmer
Panel 7: The Constitution in Conflict: Robert Burt and Judicial Supremacy
Marcio Grandchamp: Judicial Authority, Egalitarianism, and the Demands of Justice (English) (Spanish)
Pedro Salazar: One Case, Four Postulates, and a Sincere Concern (With Regards Constitutional Justice in Mexico) (Spanish) (English)
Comentario: Pablo Ruiz-Tagle
Panel 8: Judges and Human Right
Julieta Lemaitre: Civilization, Barbarism, and the War on Drugs: The Normalization of Violent Death in Mexico and Colombia
Eliezer Gomes da Silva: Human Rights at the State Level: National Human Rights Institutions and Ministérios Públicos in Latin America - beyond the Paris Principles (Portuguese) (English) (Spanish)
Comentario: Alejandro Madrazo
Panel 9: Freedom of Expression and Collective Self-Government
Paula Ahumada: Freedom of Expression in Latin America: From Protecting Dissent to the Necessity of a Public and Robust Debate (Spanish) (English)
Mylai Burgos & Julio Cesar Guanche: Citizen Participation in the Cuban State (Spanish) (English)
Comentario: Eduardo Bertoni
Panel 1: What are Rights?
Marisa Iglesias - A Margin of Appreciation Doctrine for the European Convention on Human Rights: In Search of a Balance between Democracy and Rights in the International Sphere (Spanish) (English)
Samuel Tschorne - Towards an Expressive Approach to Rights: Hart's Theory of Rights (English) (Spanish)
Comentario: Francisca Pou Gimenez
Panel 2: The Inter-American System of Rights
Aida Torres -- The Independence of International Human Rights Courts: The Case of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (English) (Spanish)
Angel Oquendo - The Politicization of Human Rights (English) (Spanish)
Comentario: Cristina Rodríguez
Panel 3: The International Obligation for Accountability
Jorge Contesse - The New Last Word: Control of Conventionality and the Possibility The Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the "Duty of Conventionality" (Spanish)
Roberto Gargarella - International Courts, Mass Crimes, and Democracy (Spanish) (English)
Comentario: Carlos Rosenkrantz
Panel 4: The Corporation as Perpetrator
Béatriz Eugenia Sánchez & René Urueña - Human Rights, Forced Displacement, and Development in Colombia: Consideration of the Impact of International Law on Domestic Policy (English)
Noah Novogrodsky - Sideways Advocacy (English) (Spanish)
Comentario: Carol Rose
Panel 5: New Forms of Constitutionalism
Javier Couso - Radical Democracy and the "New Latin American Constitutionalism" (Spanish) (English)
Julio César Guanche & Julio Antonio Fernández -- Rights and Guarantees in Cuba: Background and a Proposal (Spanish) (English)
Carlos Portugal Gouvêa - The Managerial Constitution: Understanding What Works in the Constitutional Protection of Human Rights (English)
Comentario: Viviane Neptune
Panel 6: Democratic Legitimacy
Tom Tyler - Achieving peaceful regime change: Why do losers consent? (English) (Spanish)
Fernando Muñoz - The "Right of the People": Plebeian Uprising in the Age of Its Technical Irreproducibility (Spanish) (English)
Gonzalo Zegarra - Trust-Contract Democracy: Political Economy & Political Philosophy of the Social Contract and its Failures (Spanish) (English)
Comentario: Diego Wernecke Arguelhes
Democracy Roundtable: The Havana Peace Negotiations
Sergio Jaramillo, High Commissioner for Peace
Juanita Léon, Director, La silla vacía
Angelika Rettberg, Professor and Department Chair, Political
Science Department, Universidad de los Andes
María Emma Wills, Center for National Memory
Moderador: Helena Alviar, Dean, Universidad de Los Andes School of Law
Panel 7: Symbols of Justice and Injustice
Esteban Restrepo - Justice of Images, Justice through Images: A Few Notes to Consider the Relationship between Criminal Law and the Representation of Mass Atrocity (Spanish) (English)
Paulina Ochoa Espejo - What Is Wrong With Border Fences? (English) (Spanish)
Comentario: Bo Burt
Panel 1 - Drugs and Violence
Julieta Lemaitre - The Peace at Hand: War and Peace in Colombia's 1991 Constituent Assembly (Spanish) (English)
Mariana Mota Prado - Police Reform in Violent Democracies in Latin America (English) (Spanish)
Catalina Pérez Correa - Federalism and Community Security: Policing as a Federal Affair (Spanish) (English)
Comentario: José Antonio Guevara
Panel 2 - Poverty and Law
Ana Paula de Barcellos - Cash Transfer Programs and Their Possible Side Effects: The Brazilian Bolsa Familia Case (English)
Myrta Morales-Cruz - Lawyers and "Social" Movements: The story of the Puerto Rico "Zero Evictions" Coalition (English)
Comentario: Gabriel Bouzat
Panel 3 - Institutionalized Marginalization
Jaime Couso - Mapuche People and Criminal Law (Spanish) (English)
James Forman, Jr. - Racial Critiques of Mass Incarceration: Beyond the New Jim Crow (English) (Spanish)
Alejandro Madrazo - Criminal and Enemy in the Political Imagination of the War on Drugs (Spanish) (English)
Comentario: Mónica González Contró
Panel 4 - Liberalism and the Limits of State Regulation
Marcelo Alegre - Secularism, Atheism and Democracy (Spanish) (English)
Lucas Grosman - Drugs under the Constitution (Spanish) (English)
Comentario: Daniel Markovits
Panel 5 - The Institutions of a Working Democracy
José Luis Sardón - Democracy without Political Parties (Spanish) (English)
Lucas Sierra - Supermajority Legislative Requirements and the Constitutional Court in Chile (Spanish) (English)
Comentario: Roberto Gargarella
Panel 6 - Democracy Roundtable
Presidential Politics and the Future of Democracy in Mexico
María Amparo Casar, Professor, CIDE, Commentator, Canal 11
Ciro Murayama, Professor, UNAM, Columnist, La Crónica
Isaac José Woldenberg Karakowski, Director, Nexos Magazine
Moderadora: Karina Ansolabehere
Panel 7 - North-South Dynamics in Legal Education
Muneer I. Ahmad - Development Lawyering: Toward a Critical Pedagogy and Practice of Encounter (English) (Spanish)
Daniel Bonilla - Between Equality and Subordination: Legal Clinics in the Global North and South (English)
Isabel Cristina Jaramillo - Mapping Academic Exchanges: Beyond the North-South Divide (English)
James Silk - From Empire to Empathy? Clinical Collaboration Between the Global North and the Global South (English)
Commentario: Ronaldo Porto Macedo
Carlos Portugal Gouvea: Social Rights against the Poor (Portuguese) (English)
Samuel Tschorne: The Authoritarian Constitutional Tradition and Chilean "Stability" (Spanish) (English)
Francisca Pou Giménez: The Constitutionalization of Language Rights in Latin America: A Preliminary Discussion (Spanish)
Comentario: Jorge Silvero
Sexuality and the Theory of Rights
Verónica Undurraga: Variations of the "Non-demandability" Argument for Legal Abortion and their Consequences for Constitutional Decisions (Spanish) (English)
Neus Torbisco Casals: Beyond the Feminism vs. Multiculturalism Dispute on Group Rights: Towards a Participatory Approach (English)
Comentario: ángel Oquendo
Property Rights
Claire Priest: Creating an American Property Law (English)
Alejandro Madrazo Lajous: Genes and TRIPs: "No Man's Land" Revisited? (English) (Spanish)
Hiram Meléndez-Juarbe: Technopolitics and Copyright Regulation (Spanish)
Comentario: Ana Maria Nusdeo
Technological Innovations and Legal Orderings
Chloé Georas: The "Internet-museum" and Digital Debris (Spanish)
Alfredo Bullard: Law in Science Fiction (Spanish) (English)
Noah Novogrodsky: After AIDs (English) (Spanish)
Comentario: Carol Rose
Faith and Politics
Peter Schuck: The Influence of Religious Organizations on Government in the U.S. (English) (Spanish)
Fernando Atria Lemaitre: Living under Dead Ideas: Law as the Will of the People (Spanish) (English)
Comentario: Jaime Couso
Democracy Roundtable: Authoritarian Populism
Javier Couso (Moderator)
Roberto Gargarella
Pedro Salazar Ugarte
Gonzalo Zegarra Mulanovich
Marcelo Alegre - Conscientious Objection vs. Civil Disobedience: The Resistance of Health Service Providers (Spanish | English)
Bo Burt - Choice, Liberty, and Equality (Spanish | English)
Fernando Muñoz - Political Pornography (English | Spanish)
Commentario/Moderador: Lucas Grosman
Panel 2 - The Politics of Identity
Ana Maria Nusdeo and Carlos de Salles - Homosexual Adoption (Spanish | English)
Laura Saldivia - Reexamining the Binary Construction of Sexuality (Spanish | English)
Kenji Yoshino - The Judicial Closet and the Legislative Altar (Spanish | English)
Commentario/Moderador: Esther Vicente
Panel 3 - Reproductive Rights
Karina Ansolabehere - Law and Morals in Colombia, Mexico, and Argentina (Spanish | English)
Alejandro Madrazo - The Debate over Reproductive Rights in Mexico (Spanish | English)
Reva Siegel - Dignity and Reproductive Rights (Spanish | English)
Commentario/Moderador: Martín Farrell
Panel 4 - Children's Sexuality
Antonio Bascuñan - Liberalism and Modern Sex-Crimes (Spanish | English)
Jaime Couso - The Sexuality of Minors in the Criminal Law (Spanish | English)
Mónica González Contró - Sexual Rights of Children and Adolescents (Spanish | English)
Commentario/Moderador: Catalina Perez Correa
Panel 5 - The Role of the Church
Julieta Lemaitre Ripoll - The Catholic Church as an Illegitimate Political Actor (Spanish | English)
Isabel C. Jaramillo - Reproductive Rights as a Shield against the Church (Spanish | English)
Mario Ramos-Reyes - Christian Ethics and Modernity (Spanish | English)
Commentario/Moderador: Francisca Pou
Marcelo Alegre - Conscientious Objection vs. Civil Disobedience: The Resistance of Health Service Providers (Spanish | English)
Bo Burt - Choice, Liberty, and Equality (Spanish | English)
Fernando Muñoz - Political Pornography (English | Spanish)
Commentario/Moderador: Lucas Grosman
Panel 2 - The Politics of Identity
Ana Maria Nusdeo and Carlos de Salles - Homosexual Adoption (Spanish | English)
Laura Saldivia - Reexamining the Binary Construction of Sexuality (Spanish | English)
Kenji Yoshino - The Judicial Closet and the Legislative Altar (Spanish | English)
Commentario/Moderador: Esther Vicente
Panel 3 - Reproductive Rights
Karina Ansolabehere - Law and Morals in Colombia, Mexico, and Argentina (Spanish | English)
Alejandro Madrazo - The Debate over Reproductive Rights in Mexico (Spanish | English)
Reva Siegel - Dignity and Reproductive Rights (Spanish | English)
Commentario/Moderador: Martín Farrell
Panel 4 - Children's Sexuality
Antonio Bascuñan - Liberalism and Modern Sex-Crimes (Spanish | English)
Jaime Couso - The Sexuality of Minors in the Criminal Law (Spanish | English)
Mónica González Contró - Sexual Rights of Children and Adolescents (Spanish | English)
Commentario/Moderador: Catalina Perez Correa
Panel 5 - The Role of the Church
Julieta Lemaitre Ripoll - The Catholic Church as an Illegitimate Political Actor (Spanish | English)
Isabel C. Jaramillo - Reproductive Rights as a Shield against the Church (Spanish | English)
Mario Ramos-Reyes - Christian Ethics and Modernity (Spanish | English)
Commentario/Moderador: Francisca Pou
Alfredo Bullard -Is Intellectual Property a Theft? (English / Spanish)
Carlos Rosenkrantz - Limitations to Property Rights under Conditions of Scarcity (English)
Mateo Taussig-Rubbo - Sacred Property (English / Spanish)
Commentario: Lucas Sierra
Panel II: The Body as Property
Ana Paula de Barcellos - What is Behind the Meaning Attributed to the Expression "Property"? (English / Portuguese)
Lidia Casas - My Body is Not Really Mine? (English / Spanish)
Lucas Grosman - The Body as Property and the Problem of Damages (Spanish / English)
Commentario: Alejandro Madrazo
Panel III: The Distribution of and Access to Property: The Example of Land
Carlos Portugal Gouvea - Beyond Formalization of Entitlements: Innovations in Land Redistribution in Latin America (English / Spanish)
Erika Fontanez - The Contingency of Property Policies: A Review of the Assumptions Related to the Political Theory of Property in the Contexts of Social and Environmental Justice in Puerto Rico (English / Spanish)
Helena Alviar - Redistributing Land in Latin America: Caught between Economic Development and Positivism (English / Spanish)
Commentario: Carlos de Salles
Panel IV: Indigenous Rights and Private Property
Daniel Bonilla - Extra Legal Property, Legal Monism and Pluralism (Spanish / English)
Mauricio Del Toro - Contributions of the Jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights to the Configuration of Collective Property Rights of Indigenous Peoples (English / Spanish)
Noah Novogrodsky - Less as More: The Struggle to Protect Communal Property in Belize (English / Spanish)
Commentaio: Marco Abarca
Panel V: Property Rights, Development and the Environment
Ana Maria Nusdeo - The Role of Markets and Property Rights in the Environmental Protection (English / Portuguese)
Carol Rose - Property Rights, Development Imperatives, and Environmental Protection (English / Spanish)
Michelle Ratton Sanchez - Property Regulation in the Natural Gas Sector in Bolivia: Impacts for Development? (English / Portuguese)
Commentario: Enrique Pasquel
Jorge Contesse - Culture, Constitutionalism, and Human Rights (English / Spanish)
Roberto Saba - Constitutions and Codes: A Difficult Marriage (English / Spanish)
Reva Siegel and Robert Post - Constitutional Patriotism and Constitutional Culture (English / Spanish)
Comentario: Marisa Iglesias
Panel II: The Interplay of Law and Culture: Violence
Paul Kahn - Managing Violence: Acoustic Separation, Memorials, and Scapegoats (English / Spanish)
Julieta Lemaitre - Legal Fetishism: Law, Violence, and Social Movements in Colombia (English / Spanish)
Catalina Perez Correa - Distrust and Disobedience: Discourse and Practice of Law in Mexico (English / Spanish)
Comentario: Mario Ramos Reyes
Panel III: Hybrid Legal Cultures: Borrowings and Impositions
Ximena Benavides - Competition Among Laws (English / Spanish)
Martin Bohmer - Borrowings and Acquisitions: The Use of Foreign Law as a Strategy to Build Constitutional and Democratic Authority (English / Spanish)
Marina Mota Prado - Institutional Reforms, Legal Transplants, and Political Systems (English / Portuguese)
Commentario: Esteban Restrepo
Panel IV: Legal Formalism
Marcelo Ferrante - Community Views and Criminal Law Reform (English / Spanish)
Marcio Grandchamp - Empirical Defenses of Formalism (English / Portuguese)
Paulo Mattos and Caio Pereira - Legal Research Crisis in Brazil: Traps and Alternatives to Legal Formalism (English / Portuguese)
Commentario: Roberto Lara
Panel V: Legal Pluralism
Ximena Fuentes - International Law and Domestic Law: Definitely an Odd Couple (English / Spanish)
Roberto Gargarella - Grafts and Rejections: Political Radicalism and Constitutional Transplants in the Americas (English / Spanish)
Neus Torbisco - Beyond Unity and Coherence: The Challenge of Multicultural Jurisdictions in Postnational Legal Orders (English)
Commentario: Jose Julian Alvarez-Gonzalez
Por una democracia sin presidente.
Marcelo Alegre (UBA-Palermo)
La Ley como sirvienta de la Política: El caso paraguayo.
Mario Ramos-Reyes
"Hacer cumplir las leyes" en la Era de los órganos autónomos: Reforma o abandono de la Teoría del Poder Ejecutivo.
William Vázquez Irizarry
Parte 2: Globalización y Poder Ejecutivo
El Derecho Internacional ocurre (le guste o no le guste al Poder Ejecutivo)
Janet Koven Levit
La Globalización y la transformación del Poder Ejecutivo Argentino.
Laura Saldivia
¿Se limita o refuerza el Poder Ejecutivo como consecuencia del la internacionalización de los procesos de Producción normativa?
Aida Torres Pérez
Mesa debate sobre Democracia: Perspectivas sobre las elecciones en Colombia y el nuevo equilibrio de poderes entre el Congreso y el Ejecutivo
Parte 3: El alcance del Poder Ejecutivo
Fuera del radar. Poderes infla-constitucionales del Poder Ejecutivo: El caso de la regulación a la industria tabacalera en México.
Alejandro Madrazo Lajous
El perro del Hortelano: Definiendo el rol empresarial del Estado en Latinoamérica.
Carlos A. Patrón
Facultades Metaconstitucionales del Poder Ejecutivo en México.
Fernando Serrano Migallón
Parte 4: Controles sobre el Ejecutivo
¿Se puede controlar al Poder Ejecutivo en la política exterior?
Elvira Méndez Chang
Presidencialismo y Corrupción en Latinoamérica: una cuenta de premisas equivocadas y percepciones disruptivas.
Carlos Portugal Gouvêa
Controles Constitucionales sobre el Poder Ejecutivo.
Jorge Silvero Salgueiro
Parte 5: Crisis y Poder Presidencial
Sobre la soberanía y lo político.
F Atria
Normalidad y excepcionalidad: La indescifrable regularidad contemporánea de la excepción.
Antonio Barreto Rozo
Poder presidencial y Crisis Política en la Argentina.
Gabriel Bouzat (UBA)
Nota del editor
Por Roberto Saba
Parte 1: La obligación de erradicar la pobreza
De la femenización de la pobreza a la feminización y democratización del poder
Por Esther Vicente
Indigencia, inequidad y democracia: las limitaciones del argumento libertario
Por Javier A. Couso
Comentario: Por Robert A. Buró
Parte 2: Las estrategias institucionales para erradicar la pobreza
El Coronel sí tiene quien le escriba: la protección judicial del derecho al mínimo vital en Colombia
Por Julieta Lemaitre Ripio
Pobreza y creación de derechos fundamentales
Por Pablo Ruiz Tagle-Vial
Comentario: Por Lucas S. Grosman
Parte 3: Pobreza y orden jurídico
Robin Hood reloaded. Quitándole al rico para robarle al pobre
Por Fernando Cantuarias S.
La justificación en el derecho penal y las violaciones de los desposeídos
Por Jaime Malamud Goti
Comentario: Por Verónica Undurraga
Parte 4: El rol de los abogados
Sin complicaciones: una estrategia para la lucha contra la pobreza a través del Poder Judicial
Por Marcos Barbosa Pinto
Justicia y experimentalismo: la función remedia del poder judicial en el litigio de derecho público en Argentina
Por Paola Bergallo
"No me des el pescado, enséñame a pescar"
Por Myrta Morales
Parte 5: Pobreza y orden internacional
El derecho al desarrollo y la pobreza: un acercamiento desde el derecho internacional de los derechos humanos
Por José A. Guevara
Reduciendo la pobreza global: teoría, práctica y reforma
Por George L. Priest
Comentario: Por Diego Zavala
Nota del editor
Por Roberto Saba
Por Raúl M. Mejía Garza
Parte 1: Democracia e igualdad
Democracia e igualdad
Por Roberto Post
La igualdad en la política
Por Carlos F. Rosenkrantz
La institucionalización de la diferencia: Algunas notas sobre desigualdad estructural y democracia
Por Neus Torbisco Casals
Parte 2: La infraestructura institucional de la democracia
Educación Pública: ¿Uno de los fines del estado liberal y condición de existencia de la democracia?
Por María Angélica Figueroa Q.
Partidos orden democrático y crecimiento
Por Luis Sardón
Consolidación e infraestructura institucional de la democracia
Por Wistano L. Orozco
Parte 3: Democracia y economía
La democracia inconclusa. Porque la democracia no puede vivir sin el mercado
Por Alfredo Bullard G.
Accountability mismatch: como los organismos reguladores independientes pueden afectar la accountability electoral del presidente.
Por Mariana Mota Prado
Privatización y gobierno
Por Carol Rose
Democracia, economía y nuestros nuevos y viejos mitos
Por Roberto P. Aponte Toro
Parte 4: Movimiento de protesta y democracia
Minorías en busca de privilegios: cuando tolerar protestas violentas atenta contra la democracia
Por Gonzalo Zegarra-Mulanovich
Consenso y disenso: los movimientos de protesta y los avatares de la democracia colombiana
Por Antonio Barreto Rozo
La rebelde democracia una mirada a la relación entre los Mapuches y el Estado chileno
Por Jorge Contesse Singh
El rol de los movimientos sociales como generadores de derecho en el derecho constitucional de los Estados Unidos
Por Reva B. Siegel
Parte 5: El poder judicial en la democracia
Las decisiones constitucionales de Ulises. Acerca de las dificultades para la construcción colectiva de una práctica constitucional en Argentina
Por Roberto Saba
Las consecuencias de centralizar el control de constitucionalidad de la ley en un tribunal especial
Por Víctor Ferrers Comella
El poder judicial en una democracia
Por Peter H. Schuck
Poder judicial y democracia: a rescatar el espíritu del espíritu
Por Rodrigo P. Correa G.
Nota del editor
Por Roberto Saba
Por Alfredo Bullard
Parte 1: La legitimidad de la violencia
Reflexiones bajo el influjo de una violencia. Extrema.
Por Efrén Rivera Ramos
La paradoja de la violencia.
Por Daniel Markovits
Violencia excepcional a través de ojos normales.
Por Fernando Atria.
Parte 2: Violencia en la vida ordinaria
La violencia doméstica contra la mujer y la débil reacción del derecho.
Por Paulina Veloso Valenzuela.
Violencia privada: lo que los liberales deben aceptar.
Por Martín D. Farrell.
íntimo y personal: una perspectiva sobre la violencia.
Por Angel R. Oquendo.
La otra violencia: poder penal doméstico sobre los niños en el Derecho chileno.
Por Jaime Couso.
Parte 3: Respuestas a la violencia extraordinaria
Perspectivas teóricas al tratamiento de la violencia doméstica.
Por Helena Alviar García.
Respuesta a la violencia extraordinaria.
Por Ernesto Garzón Valdés.
Violencia sagrada.
Por Paul W. Kahn.
Parte 4: Una justicia de dos niveles
Violencia ambiental, liberalismo y responsabilidad.
Por Marisa Iglesias Villa.
Los derechos fundamentales como límite para la legislación especial sobre juzgamiento por terrorismo.
Por Francisco José Eguiguren Praeli.
Policías en la guerra.
Por Jed Rubenfeld.
¿Puede el derecho internacional contribuir a prevenir la violencia?
Por Ximena Fuentes.
Parte 5: Violencia y cambio social
La última carta. El derecho de resistencia en situaciones de alienación legal.
Por Roberto Gargarella.
Los límites de la autoridad del derecho.
Por Oscar Vieira.
Las trampas de la legitimidad: movimientos sociales, violencia y Estado de derecho en México.
Por Francesca Maria Pou Giménez.
Nota del editor. Por Roberto Saba.
Por Raúl M. Mejía Garza.
Parte 1: Democracia e igualdad
Democracia e igualdad.
Por Roberto Post.
La igualdad en la política.
Por Carlos F. Rosenkrantz.
La institucionalización de la diferencia: algunas notas sobre desigualdad estructural y democracia.
Por Neus Torbisco Casals.
Parte 2: La infraestructura institucional de la democracia
Educación pública: ¿uno de los fines del Estado liberal y condición de existencia de la democracia?
Por María Angélica Figueroa Q.
Partidos, orden democrático y crecimiento.
Por José Luis Sardón.
Consolidación e infraestructura institucional de la democracia.
Por Wistano L. Orozco.
Parte 3: Democracia y economía
La democracia inconclusa. ¿Por qué la democracia no puede vivir sin el mercado?
Por Alfredo Bullard G.
Accountability mismatch: cómo los organismos reguladores independientes pueden afectar la accountability electoral del presidente.
Por Mariana Mota Prado.
Privatización y gobierno.
Por Carol Rose.
Democracia, economía y nuestros nuevos y viejos mitos.
Por Roberto P. Aponte Toro.
Parte 4: Movimiento de protesta y democracia
Minorías en busca de privilegios: cuando tolerar protestas violentas atenta contra la democracia.
Por Gonzalo Zegarra-Mulanovich
Consenso y disenso: los movimientos de protesta y los avatares de la democracia colombiana.
Por Antonio Barreto Rozo.
La rebelde democracia. Una mirada a la relación entre los mapuches y el Estado chileno.
Por Jorge Contesse Singh.
El rol de los movimientos sociales como generadores de derecho en el derecho constitucional de los Estados Unidos.
Por Reva B. Siegel.
Parte 5: El Poder Judicial en la democracia
Las decisiones constitucionales de Ulises. Acerca de las dificultades para la construcción colectiva de una práctica constitucional en Argentina.
Por Roberto P. Saba.
Las consecuencias de centralizar el control de constitucionalidad de la ley en un tribunal especial.
Por Victor Ferreres Comella.
El poder judicial en una democracia.
Por Meter H Schuck
Poder judicial y democracia: a rescatar el espíritu del espíritu.
Por Rodrigo P. Correa G.
Nota del editor
Por Roberto Saba
Parte 1: La creciente demanda de derechos: ¿un peligro para la democracia?
Las amenazas del constitucionalismo: constitucionalismo, derechos y democracia.
Por Roberto Gargarella
Derechos económicos, derechos personales y otras restricciones sobre los resultados de las mayorías.
Por George L. Priest
Los derechos y la democracia: ¿conflicto o complementariedad?
Por Efrén Rivera Ramos
Parte 2: ¿Quién se halla vinculado por los derechos fundamentales?
La eficacia de los derechos constitucionales frente a los particulares.
Por Victor Ferreres Comella
La eficacia horizontal de los derechos fundamentales.
Por Andrés Jana Linetzky
¿Quién es responsable por los derechos fundamentales? Algunas perspectivas del presente y del pasado.
Por Carol Rose.
Parte 3: Arreglos institucionales para proteger los derechos fundamentales
Igualitarismo, democracia y activismo judicial.
Por Marcelo Alegre.
Legalismo, derecho y política.
Por Fernando Atria.
Los derechos fundamentales y la diferencia cultural. Análisis del caso colombiano.
Por Daniel Bonilla.
Parte 4: La integridad interna de los derechos
Ordenación y jerarquización constitucionales en México.
Por José Ramón Cossío D.
Los derechos sociales como derechos.
Por Christian Courtis.
La interculturalidad posible: el reconocimiento de derechos colectivos.
Por Neus Torbisco Casals
Parte 5: La protección internacional de los derechos
Las teorías de la justicia en las relaciones internacionales.
Por Martín D. Farell.
La justicia penal internacional y la protección de los derechos humanos: ¿el Estado de derecho o la arrogancia del derecho?
¿La ropa sucia se lava en casa?
Por Francisco Cox.
Parte 6: Derechos fundamentales y sanciones penales
El derecho a la asistencia humanitaria.
Por Alberto do Amaral Júnior.
Derechos fundamentales y derecho penal.
Por Antonio Bascuñan Rodríguez.
Procesos penales por violación de derechos humanos.
Por Eugenio Bulygin.
Instituciones participantes:
Universidad de Buenos
Aires (Argentina)
Yale Law School (Estados Unidos)
Universidad de Palermo (Argentina)
Tecnológico Autónomo de Méjico
Universidad de San Pablo (Brasil)
Católica del Paraguay
Universidad Nacional de Chile
Pontificia Universidad Católica
del Perú
Universidad Diego Portales (Chile)
Universidad de Puerto Rico
Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, España)
ÍndiceNota del
Por Roberto Saba.
In memorian - Albert Calsamiglia,
Por Ernesto
Garzón Valdéz.
El acatamiento del derecho y
el desarrollo de América Latina, por Andrés D'Alessio
Parte 1: Rule of Law,
¿aspiración u obstáculo?
I. 1. La autonomía del
Por Owen Fiss.
I. 2. What is Wrong with the Rule of Law?
Por Ernesto
Garzón Valdés.
I. 3. La política y el rule of law.
Por Carlos Peña
Parte 2: La reconstrucción del rule of law
II. 1. La
Corte de los 80 y la Corte de los 90. Un diálogo sobre el rule of law en Argentina.
Martín Böhmer.
II. 2. ¿Castigo o perdón para los violadores de los
derechos humanos?
Por Jorge Correa Sutil.
II. 3. Reparar injusticias históricas.
Robert W. Gordon.
Parte 3: Rule of law y relaciones económicas
III. 1.
Notas sobre estructura económica y rule of law.
Por Alvin Klevorick.
III. 2.
Teoría legal del conocimiento económico.
Por Calixto Salomão
Parte 4: Discreción y rule of law
IV. 1. Otra mirada a "la
Constitución discrecional"
Por José Julián álvarez
IV. 2. Derecho y política en el Estado constitucional de derecho: el caso
del derecho penal.
Por Miguel Soto.
IV. 3. Discreción, respuesta correcta y
función judicial.
Por Ricardo Caracciolo.
IV. 4. Discreción judicial y
positivismo jurídico: los criterios sustantivos de validez.
Por Marisa Iglesias
Parte 5: Instituciones supranacionales y rule of law
V. 1. Tratados
internacionales bajo el embrujo de Brown.
Por Rodrigo Correa González.
V. 2. El derecho
internacional y la comunidad.
Por Paul W. Kahn.
V. 3. Las instituciones supranacionales y el
rule of law.
Por Mónica Pinto.
Parte 6: Rule of Law en tiempos de
VI. 1. Supremacía judicial, impotencia judicial y rule of law, en tiempos de
Por Robert A. Burt.
VI. 2. El espacio público en la sociedad de la
Por Enrique Felices S.
VI. 3. Una fundamentación de la
Por Ulises Schmill O.
VI. 4. "Estado de excepción" en la
Constitución de 1992.
Por Jorge Seall-Sasiain.